Individual Courses
Learn almost any language with us
Learn 9 different language with us, through private tutoring or online. Whatever you choose our language lessons are more than just learning, we support your acclimatization and adjustment to Sweden and build your confidence while growing your language skills.
We offer private language lessons in all major cities in Sweden and we teach at your workplace or home at hours most suitable for you. Our private lessons are always customized after your individual goals, needs and learning style. Quality and results are important to us and we want you to be motivated and excited about starting to learn a language. Our teachers have long experience from teaching expats and foreign professionals while maintaining a very high service level and flexibility.
1-on-1 Lessons
The best way of learning a language is to have a dedicated teacher, who designs a course after your goals, learning style, and point of focus.
Our 1-on-1 lessons give you the opportunity of having a teacher who will customize your lessons and make sure you reach your goals. The teacher will come to your workplace or home at hours convenient for your schedule and frequency.
2-on-1 Lessons
If you have a partner, spouse, or a friend that is on the same level as you, you can have lessons together. Our 2-on-1 lessons is customized language learning for 2 people at the same time, allowing you to learn faster than you would in larger groups.
You need to decide on a mutual schedule and have lessons together but enjoy all the services as having 1-on-1 lessons at a lower cost per person.
Online Lessons
Online lessons are perfect for those wanting to study a language before moving to Sweden or just live remotely. Our online lessons have the same flexibility as physical lessons and you decide the schedule best suited for you. No advanced technical aids are needed for online lessons.