Grow Social

Grow Social upcoming events

Online: Swedish Job Market Webinar

Are you looking to break into the Swedish job market and curious how to get started in the process of finding work here? In this webinar, we will welcome Gloria Cunha Byström, EURES-adviser at Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish Public Employment Service, to give a basic overview of the Swedish job market, with a focus on Uppsala. This webinar is targeted at ...

Stockholm: Swedish Business Culture Workshop

Grow Internationals Torsgatan 26, Stockholm, Sweden

Having poblems understanding the signals when working in a Swedish environment? What are the unwritten rules that foreigners should keep in mind while doing business in Sweden? Are you intrigued by the cultural differences and how they shape work life in Sweden? Then this is the workshop for you! Although Sweden represents a generally open culture where colleagues address each ...

Stockholm: Networking Skills Workshop

Grow Internationals Torsgatan 26, Stockholm, Sweden

Network your way by making meaningful connections in an authentic manner Research shows that in Sweden networking is responsible for filling 85% of the jobs. During times of crisis, networking is even more important to secure your career progression or find a new role. However, most of us dislike the idea, feel uncomfortable doing it or are too scared. You ...